Translated by Maya – Volunteer


“People called me Popo. I am from Panji Anom. I am currently studying Accounting at Ganesha University in Singaraja. My father works as daily worker in house building and my mother is a housewife. I heard from Anak when I was a child, from Mr. Gede Artama, the first local coordinator of Anak in Panji Anom. I am very happy to be supported by Anak. I was so happy when I heard that I have sponsors from Spain.
I liked to attend Anak extracurricular activities such as English and dancing lessons. Every month I received some pocket money from the foundation. Every 6 month Anak holds a medical checkup in a clinic. My friends and I were expected a lot the yearly distribution in July. It was a time of receiving our school supplies, shoes, uniforms and a traditional outfit for ceremonies. Each year, my family and I also received some rice and a small pig to breed.
Since high school, I live in Anak boarding school in Singaraja. I live there with other sponsored teenagers from different villages where Anak is. I am very happy to live there because I can have many friends.
When I was fresh high school student, Anak celebrated its 10 years anniversary, during 3 days. All the sponsored children joined the event. There were a lot of competitions and a lot of people. Anak teams form Bali, France, Spain and Swiss, sponsors as well as guests came to participate. During the evening, dances, music and theater pays were also played.
I am very thankful to Anak and I hope the foundation will continue to support me until I finish my studies.”


“I am very happy to beneficiate from Anak support. It has been 2 years now. It helps my family a lot. I am happy to have a sponsor from whom I receive letters and gifts. She came to visit me once. When I met Anak for the first time, as I didn’t know anybody, I was little bit shy to introduce myself in front of the other children and the members of Anak team. Then I started to know them when I started to attend the extracurricular activities. I wasn’t shy anymore to attend the distribution sessions. I like to participate to distribution sessions because I can meet the team and some of the sponsors. I can also play with my friends. Every starting school year, I receive school supplies, uniforms and shoes. Our English teacher’s name is M. Toni. He is very nice and I like to learn English with him. I hope, my sponsor will come again to visit my family and me. When I think about her, I look at her and her family pictures. In the future, I would like to be useful, to make my parents happy, to pay for the school of my siblings and to take care of my parents. I am thankful to Anak which pays for my studies and also for the other children’s studies.”

KADEK BUDARINI – 8th grade

“I am very happy I met Anak. I started to be sponsored in 2nd Grade. It has been 4 years now. I am very happy from Anak support. I wish it could exist forever. Thanks to Anak, my parents ‘ burden is lighter. Every month I receive pocket money. 60.000 rp when I was in primary school and now 140.000 rp because I am in Junior High school. One day, the Anak team gave me a package from my sponsors. Inside, I found a letter and gifts. I was so happy.
In September 2016, my sponsor’s daughter came to visit my family and me. She visited my room. She brought me clothes, hairpins, bracelets and Christmas pictures as gifts.
Each year, during the distribution session of April, Anak team takes our measurements so we can have uniforms and shoes. During semester holidays, they organize a medical checkup.
There is a local coordinator, Mr. Mangku, who comes to our houses to inform us about a change in the distributions schedule and about sponsors visit.
I hope Anak will exist forever so my friends and I could make our dreams come true.”

RANI ASTITI – 10th grade

“I come from Sawan, a village in North of Bali. I am now in 10th grade. I chose to learn hospitality. I am sponsored through Anak since I am in 6th grade. I got support because my parents don’t have enough money to afford my studies. I am very thankful to be sponsored by Anak. My parents are much helped too. I am thankful because outside of here, there is nice people who care about disadvantaged children like ourselves.
From primary school to junior high school I attended extracurricular activities held by Anak. It was English and dancing lessons every Saturdays and Sundays. I liked to follow courses so I wasn’t idle during weekends. Each month, Anak holds a monthly distribution session and gives our monthly pocket money. W can also meet the whole team of Anak and we sing at the beginning and at the end of the session.
I have 2 sponsors. One is from Switzerland and supports me since the beginning. The other is from France and supports me for a year now. He sponsors another teenager of my age. When he comes to Bali with his family, 2 times per year, he takes us on an outing.
I hope Anak will get bigger so it could help more children, not only in Bali, but around all Indonesia.”