Véronique – godmother of  Desi Ratnasari – 2018

Twelve years ago, during a trip to BALI, I was fortunate to encounter Christine Grosso (founder of ANAK) and DWI (current President of Anak Bali), who introduced me their Association ANAK, engaged with the most deprived children on the island of Bali, ensuring their education through sponsorships and scholarships.

These two beautiful people immediately made me want to participate, modestly, in this great adventure with the sponsorship of a little girl, Nyoman.

Then, 10 years ago, they introduced me to little Desi. I will always remember the wonderful day we spent together and Dwi. She was about to leave the village for the first time ever. We went shopping for school supplies in a small local supermarket in Amplapura. It was really magical to see her twirling like a butterfly in the aisles, marveling at every item including the shampoo! Then we visited the beautiful region of TIRTA GANGGA. On our return, her family gave us a very warm welcome in her village, LEAN.

During these 10 years, Desi has had excellent academic results, which we followed closely (by way of newsletters and letters to godparents) and she was always grateful for the chance she had to continue her studies. Today, this beautiful, sweet and intelligent girl, after academic success has chosen to work as an esthetician in a spa in her region in order to stay close to her family.

We have, of course, stayed in touch with her over the years and last May, during our latest trip to Bali, it was with great emotion that we were reunited with her and her family and of course our friend Dwi.

Thank you to the ANAK team for their commitment to children and their families for giving them hope for a better future.

Thank you for allowing us to participate in this great adventure and thank you to the future sponsors of ANAK who choose to enter this great family.

Finally, I will quote a well-known phrase from Nelson Mandela “education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world”.

Julianne, became an Anak Partner with her company COMPTOIRS DES EXPLORATEURS

My name is Julianne, I am 31 years old and I live in the South of France. I just left my job to create an import company for furniture and decorative objects from Bali. Our project is progressing well but it lacks the essential touch. I do not just want to just bring back a container of goods to sell, I think that at my level, I can do more, help those who need it most, who are the most innocent and vulnerable, children essentially. I think back to the association ANAK that I discovered a few months earlier on the internet. It seems reliable and serious but how do you make sure when you are thousands of miles away? I called Maya, a friend of my brother, who lives in Bali, I know she is a charity volunteer so I seek her opinion, her experience on the ground. She laughs when I ask her, explaining that she has been working for ANAK for 2 years. This is clearly destiny, the coincidence is too great to miss, so we arrange to meet when I visit the island of the Gods.

A few weeks later, here I am driving with her and Dwi to make a delivery of equipment to the 3 centers that the association manages in the North of the island. We spend the night in the center of high school students in Singaraja. I meet about forty teenagers, aged from 14 to 17, from disadvantaged families, for whom ANAK offers a chance to decide their own future. We westerners take for granted that we will have a classic education (primary school, college, high school, university). Here, however, because of the elevated costs that education entails, far too many children do not have the chance to learn in optimal conditions and this is where ANAK takes charge of everything (tuition, satchels, uniforms, pocket money, housing for the most remote, laptops and scooters for getting around …). I discover the center and the environment in which these young people evolve and become responsible adults. Respect for others, sharing and honesty are at the core of community life, which they learn here. The atmosphere is peaceful, serene, something other-worldly. I see big smiles on their faces when they come to welcome us, their eyes filled with gratitude and kindness. The evening is studious in anticipation of future exams but we hear laughter and songs in the girl’s rooms. The following day, we go to visit the site that the association has just acquired, for the construction of a new center, larger, more functional, and more importantly, without a lease. Here, we are already preparing a new future!

I am so appreciative of the involvement and the work of the on-site facilitators and coordinators, in order to give all these children the best chances of success. My mind wanders to the famous sentence of Gandhi “Be the change you want to see in the world.” So, heartiest congratulations to ANAK for everything you have put in place here for these children, bravo also to sponsors and donors because without you nothing would be possible. And a huge thank you to Maya and Dwi for these two days of exchanges and sharing … I return to France with the heart full of memories of these beautiful moments spent by your side.

Ni Ketut Mulyani – godmother of Putri Astiti – June 2018

I have been the godmother of Putri Astiti since May 2016 when she was still in primary school, but on Friday, June 15th 2018 I met her for the first time, after her graduatation from high school. I arrived at Putri with my family (husband and children) and was welcomed by her great-grandmother, Putri was at the village chief’s office processing documents. When she arrived, my first impression was that she was a very polite, kind and intelligent girl, she seemed confident, although she was an orphan. When we talked about her future plan for studies, she said that she wanted to continue her studies in the field of beauty therapy. I also saw, in a single glance, in the single bedroom of the house, that she slept with neither bed nor mattress, only on a mat. I was moved to tears. For me, this is a very strong 15-year-old girl who, since a very young age, she sells cakes door to door in order to contribute to the expenses of the home every day after school.

Graduation of I Kadek Suliantara – October 2017


So much has happened since our first meeting and our mutual shyness but today we are very proud of you and all the work that has been accomplished over the years.

We are a little sad that we could not be present on this special day with your parents but our heart is full of pride and love.

We had not imagined at the beginning of our sponsorship, to go so far, to create so many links between us and the result has surpassed our expectations.

We have been able to follow your progress over the years and we, as well as our friends who know you, are in such admiration of what you have become, your kindness, and the generosity to others.

We would like to believe that Anak, Séverine and myself are all played a small role in this success but that nothing is left to chance, it is all down to your hard work.

Success in your studies is a first step and now your destiny is in your own hands and we will continue to follow you and help you whenever necessary.

We also hope that you will continue to set an example to the other students of the Anak Association to prove to them that everything is possible, that everyone can go as far as you and to perpetuate the work of this association that has allowed you to get here today.

Graduation Ceremony Made Sri Lestari – March 2017

This year, 3 students supported by Anak have graduated. Congratulations to Suliantara, Juniari and Made Sri Lestari, to whom we wish every success for their professional lives and with whom we hope to stay in touch, in the framework of Anak Alumni.

Made Sri Lestari was able to share her graduation with her godmother Patricia.  Patricia’s testimonial follows:

“It all began with a passion for Bali in 1975! Amazement and the beginning of a long love affair … until 2005 that is when I met Christine Grosso on the plane. We spent a long time discussing ANAK, which was followed by a visit to Lila Cita in Amed which led to me becoming a sponsor. Made Sri Lestari came back into my life in 2006. I still fondly remember the first time we met at a party organized by her parents in the village of Lean. We heard the Gamelan music from the bottom of the road that led to their house! Parents and friends were invited to this ceremony of which we were the guests of honor. Shyness, respect, pride, joy, so many feelings to share this day around a feast, music and dance.

I was fortunate enough to be able to come to Bali every year and form deep ties with Made Sri and her family thus and provide moral support for the perusal of her schooling.

And this until March 2017 which saw the crowning of this cooperation by the graduation ceremony of 500 students in Singaraja, an event that I felt that I could not miss.

Once again, my goddaughter’s mother honored me by offering me an Ikat shirt similar to the family outfit, a gesture of “adoption” that had a profound emotional effect on me. A great moment that we will never forget … From the shy little girl to this young girl full of confidence, a model for students, a long and beautiful path!

I hope that every godparent is as fortunate as I have been! “

Virginie – godmother of Luh Putu – 2017

“February 12, 2017. 22:48.

My working day is over.

Connected to my tablet, I receive a message from one of my Balinese contacts I met on my first trip to Bali in 2011 and a family friend of my goddaughter, Luh Putu, whom I sponsored for 5 years.

Distress messages and alarming photos !!!

A river … unleashed … dragging everything in its path … including my goddaughter’s house.

A request for help… .They have lost everything….

I am devastated…. And upset …

I am doing research on the internet because I had not heard any information in the media on the subject….

After several attempts, I find 2 articles which report these sad facts.

At the same time, I contacted the Anak association, which replied to me a few days later apologizing for not having been able to warn me earlier (computer concern) and which would confirm the disaster.

My involvement in this sponsorship was not just a monthly donation to give me a clear conscience – I refer to it in the past tense because indeed, several months ago, Luh Putu made a decision that ended my sponsorship.

It was a real involvement accompanied by exchanges by mail, visits (twice), parcel shipments….

Luh Putu is my dear girl and a commitment beyond sponsorship.

She needs me more than ever and I might be the only one who can help her.

But how ?

I am on the other side of the planet and I do not have the possibility to move immediately…. and then what would it be for?

I don’t have a magic wand either….

I’m looking for… There is necessarily a way…. I must act !!!!

A solution quickly comes to mind: recover money from my family and loved ones but also from those who will be affected by my project and the Leetchi site will be my springboard!

However, before setting this fundraiser in place, I need to make sure that someone I trust (or more) can support me and deliver the collected money safely to the family.

And the Anak Association is the only one that can make this connection.

However, Anak’s policy is to no longer ensure a link between the sponsor and the sponsored person when the sponsorship is terminated; which is obviously logical.

However, I have nothing to lose and the situation is special, so I send an email detailing the facts and my plan.

After quick consultation on their side, they fully support and encourage me.

The green light is given and the pot is immediately launched.

At the start, everything is a bit hazy.

This is the first time that I have embarked on such an adventure… ..and asking for money is not the best thing I can do.

Photo, title, description of the prize pool, I do everything I can to attract attention so that as many people as possible can share and participate. I spend my free time on this site, trying to improve it, sharing. I want this project to live!

I am their only hope and I have promised my goddaughter to do everything in my power.

And I realize how difficult it is to reach those around you… ..

The first few weeks were filled with different emotions.

Surprise, sadness, happiness, disappointment, pride…. My investment is such that I only live for that…. I discovered the indifference … the silence … of certain relatives and an inner suffering because I do not understand their reactions but I also discovered the touching generosity of those who have little and this openness to what is happening elsewhere …

It’s a bit of chaos in my head I must admit.

My soul mate _ despite the distance that separates us _ accompanies me throughout this adventure and helps me to put things into perspective and to take a step back from all of this and fortunately!

Thanks to him and my parents, I face the following weeks much more lightly and I see, over the days, those who follow me on this adventure. So I decide to focus only on those who are interested; because obviously after 2 or 3 unanswered raises there is no point in pushing.

The pot is gradually increasing and I need to know what it will be for.

In regular contact with the Balinese team, which itself is in contact with the field coordinator, I receive crucial information.

Good news for the family, the government is offering financial assistance that will cover the entire construction of a new home.

In consultation with the team, the pot will therefore be used to buy back the furniture and equipment they will need for their comfort.

I add this information to the description of the pot and relaunch the daily sharing.

Donations come slowly but surely … However, it is never enough for this kind of cause.

My entourage tells me to be patient… .then I wait !!

A few days later, I received an email from the association again, but this time the news was much less encouraging.

The land on which the family lived is declared a non-building zone and we can easily understand why.

However, this does not help their situation and calls into question the purpose of this pot.

It would be absurd for this money to be used to buy furniture and equipment when they now have no land or house.

The government gives them 5 years to acquire land, loan or purchase. Beyond that, they will no longer provide construction.

5 years, that leaves a margin you say to me…. But raising such a sum is impossible for this family, no matter how many years old.

It just goes round in my head!

The goal now is to raise the money for the purchase of land.

I contacted the association again to let them know my decision.

I reformulated the description and relaunched more than ever this kitty by email and on social networks …. The amount is now fixed and I must raise around 3000 €, price for 1 are.

Donations always arrive but are becoming rarer … And it becomes useless to insist at the risk of getting bored.

2 1/2 months of online prize pool, 27 participations, 1366 €!

The result is quite satisfactory but not enough for the purchase of land.

At the same time, the association contacts me telling me that the family has an offer for a plot.

If my proposal still holds, they must respond to the owner within 2 days at the latest.

Obviously it still stands and such an opportunity should not be missed!

Everything is very clear, I must complete this prize pool and my parents will be very generous in joining me.

I give my consent to the association which conveys the good news to the family and closes the pot.

By the time the various transactions take place, they have recently become HAPPY OWNERS.

I recently received photos and thank you mail from my goddaughter and her family through the association.

The construction of their house will begin in August!

An experience, an adventure that ends for me and a new life that begins for them.

The challenge was met with flying colors and nothing would have been possible without the professionalism of the Anak association and without my generous donors.

What a beautiful lesson in life!

A huge thank you to all! ”

Borbala – godmother of Arif, 12 years old – 2016

“I have been traveling to Bali regularly for four years and I have been a godmother via ANAK for a few months now, but this was the first time I was given the opportunity to meet my godson, Arif. A little shy, certainly impressed, he seemed very happy to discover the bicycle that I had bought him for this first visit and that the coordinator had hidden in the garden. After a very warm exchange of words and a short but well-earned break, we left by car to visit Arif’s family. As they live in the middle of rice fields, we finished our journey on foot in the midst of marvellous Bali countryside. The family welcomed us with the greatest simplicity, smiles on their lips, a few coconuts in their hands and, above all, precious time so that we could spend this unforgettable day with them.
Thank you once again ANAK for these magical moments that will remain forever engraved on my heart! Hopefully we will have new adventures together very soon!”

Valérie and Christian – godparents of Anta, 13 years old – 2016

We fell under the island’s spell on our first trip to Bali in 2014 and were amazed by the generosity of its inhabitants.

Wanting to be able to provide something constructive and useful in return, we discovered Anak and decided to help a young boy in his studies.

It was during our second trip to Bali in July 2016 that we were able to meet our godson, his family and Anak’s on-site team. We had in fact been waiting for this meeting rather impatiently.

Meeting our godson Anta, his two younger brothers and mother, and living a few hours of their reality, was a special and emotional moment.

It’s difficult to communicate when you don’t know the local language, but luckily Anak’s on-site coordinator was on hand to help us in our conversation. Since smiles and tender gestures are universal, we found that communication was indeed possible.

We spent a full day with Anta. We took him and his two younger brothers to the aquatic park and were rewarded with their laughter and joy in the water. We all ate lunch together, shopped for food for the family and then we took them back to their home. After showing their mother some snapshots taken at the aqua park, we said our goodbyes and Anta’s wide smile warmed our hearts.

There is no doubt that we will return to visit Anta and his family soon and will continue to support him in his education.

We discussed Anta’s future and the possibility of orienting his studies towards a practical type of occupation.

The Anak team does remarkable work for all these children. Their task is not easy and represents a great deal of effort, perseverance and time, but the results are well worth all of it.

Conscious of the quality of investment made by Anak’s teams, our family has decided to sponsor another child.

It is certain that, although godparents and their godchildren come from entirely different cultures, have different lifestyles and see life differently, nonetheless, side by side, our hearts do experience a common message of sharing, kindness and mutual assistance.

We are convinced that not only is it a great opportunity for children to have a godfather or godmother to help them in their future education, but these fraternal exchanges that make us all grow together are also wonderful gifts that we give ourselves.

The beauty of these very emotional meeting and sharing opportunities is all the more important as they enable us to understand their significance and their wealth of teaching, because each of us gives, receives and feels life in a different way.

We are very grateful for every chance we get to share our lives with others.”

Françoise – godmother of I Wayan Witama, 12 years old – 2014

“I learned about ANAK from the Bali Gazette three years ago now. I started out as a volunteer and then I met Christine Grosso in Bali before sponsoring a child. Our godson, little I Wayan Witama is 12 years old. He lives with his parents near ANAK’s center in Bunutan, in the Amed region, a place I have known for 25 years and which I love. We went with Dwi and ANAK’s local coordinator to have lunch with I Wayan Witama’s family. His parents, his grandfather and his uncle’s family gave us a particularly warm welcome. I was very touched by this meeting. It’s really striking to see that these families have nothing, absolutely nothing… no running water, no comfort. But they have smiles and a great deal of courage. I sincerely hope I Wayan does well in his studies and can help his family later on. Thank you ANAK for the children of Bali and for enabling us to participate in this project.”

Mathilde – 2014

“I returned from five months in Bali feeling a great deal of emotion and carrying many memories with me.
I am a young, 26-year-old woman. I wanted to take a break, challenge myself and see from the inside how an association worked. That’s why I decided to go to Bali for five months on my own. I contacted ANAK.
I was extremely well received by Itra and Pierre as well as the on-site team of Mantra, Dwi and Sus.

I went with the team to each monthly distribution and to the July end-of-school-year celebration. It’s difficult for me to describe the happiness I felt as I met with the young and the old during these few months. We became very quickly attached.
These children are gifts from heaven. They taught me good lessons about life and showed me that with so little I can do a lot. I learned especially that will and tenacity are essential! They are still my strength today. I think of them as soon as I give up on any problem. I just have to remember that I can’t disappoint them.

They are always smiling, always motivated and once the shyness is over, they even forget you don’t speak their language. Every month, I saw them grow a little more, always wanting to share their little secrets with me (especially high school girls) while the little ones, in their own way, would pull me by the hand asking me to sit next to them and take photos with them! They were amazed by the reversible screen and kept taking photos of themselves, to my great pleasure!

As for the children who weren’t able to get to the distributions because they had class, they were represented by their mothers instead. When the latter came to sign the register in order to receive their children’s pocket money, I discovered that most of them didn’t know how to read or write. However, in their eyes, we could see their pride in being able to send their children to school as well as the gratitude they have for ANAK who is helping them in this process.
I was very sad to leave them, but I promised I would come back to see them and never forget them.

I plan to move to Bali and work there in early 2015. I can’t wait to see them again.”

Philippe, Charlotte, Camille and Sasha – sponsors of Amélia, 10 years old – 2014

“Our meeting with Anak took place in the winter of 2013 via the internet (thank God for new technologies!) after doing some research because we wanted to do some good during our trip to Bali, discover another culture and teach our 3- and 7-year-old daughters about solidarity among different people.

That’s why we contacted Anak Bali and talked to them about our project to sponsor a child. We wanted to find out if would be possible to meet her and her family during our visit to Bali during the summer of 2014.

With this in mind, our eldest daughter decided to collect toys at her school and offer them to the children we would meet during the ANAK distribution. We left for Bali at the beginning of August with 40kg of toys and some personal luggage.

ANAK’s on-site team quickly contacted us about the final logistics and off we went for four days through rice fields, jungle and remote villages to meet the children we had so anxiously been waiting to meet.

The meetings we had went above and beyond our expectations because the association really welcomed us (young and old) with a great deal of kindness, countless smiles and amazing generosity. We were able to live these moments fully, without worrying about the organization. We were taken from village to village and enjoyed every moment with these children who smiled so much and were happy and curious. The toys were very much appreciated (especially the small cars for the boys!) and it was with a great deal of pride that we saw our girls giving out the toys they had collected in France naturally, without jealousy or envy.

On the fourth day (also long awaited!), we had the chance to meet Putu Amélia PUTRI, our goddaughter, and finally see this little girl with our own eyes! Our daughters immediately went to up to her, even if the language barrier prevented them from fully understanding each other. Fortunately, the village coordinator speaks French very well and through him, we were able to talk to Amélia. We also had the honor of visiting her home and being welcomed by her parents. Our daughters were able to see her living conditions, which are so different from ours. Amélia sang us a traditional Balinese song. She had just come third in a singing competition. This moment was both simple and at the same time so full of emotion, expectation and respect that it will remain in all of our hearts. It also gave deeper meaning to the gifts we give ANAK.

We would like to thank all the members of ANAK for the work they do as well as for managing the association’s finances well. It is very reassuring for godparents. Well done!

Jean-Luc – 2016

“First of all, I would like to thank the entire local team for their very warm welcome and availability!

The three days spent in their company were full of emotion as well as being great moments of sharing and laughter. It’s not very easy to describe the emotions: Bali’s environment is itself a great pleasure; therefore meeting so many nice people there (not only members of the association but also godparents and especially the children!) multiplied our pleasure. Although talking about pleasure may seem inappropriate in light of the difficult living conditions of many children (and their families); but their smiles, their good humor and their kindness are a real lesson in life. Even though we want to help them, we realize that unfortunately, it’s not possible to do as much as we would like to, or even for as many families as would be necessary. The explanations provided in particular by the local coordinators make it clear that a balance must be respected and that we must be very vigilant about equity. This perfect knowledge of “the field” by a member of the association says it all: we can sense that we’re not in front of an enormous structure, which sometimes dehumanizes sponsorship.


“Some friends from ‘Bali Autrement’ introduced me to Christine Grosso when I moved to Bali, almost ten years ago. I was immediately won over by her enthusiasm, commitment and generosity and she has become a very dear friend. Since then, I have regularly met up with Christine and the ANAK on-site team. I had the chance to prolong the pleasure of what used to be my job: capturing images, moments, faces, joys and emotions. And there was a lot of material! One of my strongest memories was an “expedition” into the mountains above Galungan where, with ANAK’s managers and the school teacher, we went to visit farming families. Every morning before dawn, the children would walk two to three hours through the jungle to reach their school. We followed their route on a scooter, along difficult paths, and sometimes no path. It also involved a lot of walking and climbing through coffee, clove and cocoa plantations. And we met poor, intimidated, but beautiful families. With the help of the teacher (his report cards under his arm), we proposed to the families of the most needy and motivated children that they accept an ANAK sponsorship, which would allow them to continue their education under the best possible conditions. Often, in fact, these children drop out of school as soon as their physical strength allows them to help their parents work in the fields. Discussions…choices…decisions…all very delicate. It was difficult not to be able to offer this chance to everyone. We drank a lot of tea, discovered sublime landscapes and shared joyful moments with these families. A few years later, I recognized the children I had photographed. They were sitting on school benches this time. They had grown up, of course, gained confidence and some of them were taking part brilliantly in mathematics or poetry competitions. Mission accomplished for the ANAK team. And for the godparents? One hundred percent satisfaction. Other children are waiting their turn and their luck up there in the mountains or in a fishing village.”

Corinne et François – godparents of Luh Sri, 18 years old – 2016


“Participating in an ANAK distribution, rubbing shoulders with the management team for three days, discovering the centers in UBUD, AMED, PAKISAN and SINGARAJA, as well as meeting all these children and teenagers, was for us an experience as joyful as it was moving.

In Amed, we participated in a distribution for the first time. The kindness of the children, and the recognition and respect they show toward the ANAK teams surprised and impressed us.

In their circle games, the children pulled us by the hand to get us to dance… what fun!

In Pakisan, we met Luh Sri, our goddaughter: a delicate and endearing personality tinged with all the qualities inherent in Balinese culture. We were under her spell, motivated to help her in her studies. With her mother and grandmother, we shared the KELAPA MUDA offered to us. Their simplicity and naturalness gave us the immediate feeling of being part of their family.

Sri then showed us around Pakisan and its surroundings. We took a beautiful walk, which allowed us to get to know her better and to discover this young girl who was so determined and motivated by her studies.

We were also invited to a WAYANG KULIT, ordered for a wake at a neighbor’s house. It was a revelation for us and very different from those intended for tourists. Sri enabled us to understand its meaning, thanks to her translations into English.

We left the next day, full of emotion, after spending three days appreciating the commitment and dedication of ANAK’s team toward all these children.”

Saskia – godmother of Gede, 10 years old – 2016

“We met Gede and his father during our trip to the Island of the Gods, which we love so much. Gede lives in a small village in the north of Bali in an area with little tourism.
We were greeted by Kadek Buda, the on-site coordinator. We went to Gede’s house where we took time to sit on the terrace of his humble home. His father offered us a drink and some cakes.
We gave them some gifts to thank them for their welcome and then we all went to the large, neighboring town of Singaraja to give Gede a gift. We wanted to give him a bike so he could enjoy playing with other children, but we wanted him to choose it himself. Once the price was fixed, Gede chose a firecracker yellow bike, which he seemed to like.
We all went back to the village to try it out. Not really knowing how our meeting was going to go and not wishing to disturb them, we had not planned to spend much time there. We therefore left quickly after our return, which we regret a little today.
On our next trip to Bali, we will stay longer and take advantage of such a priceless encounter.”

Sandrine, Romane et Luna, godmothers of Wayan,14 years old – 2017

“We discovered Anak and met Christine Grosso during a trip to Bali in February 2015. We immediately wanted to participate by helping a child so that he or she could attend school. We decided to sponsor Wayan, a young boy then age 12. He lives near Ubud, in a small, very poor village, with his parents, his little brother and his grandfather. My two daughters, Romane (18 years old) and Luna (7 years old), and I enjoyed meeting him in February 2017 during a second trip to Bali. It was lovely to see him again. We became aware of the huge gap between our two worlds, which are so different. Initially shy when seeing us for the first time, Wayan enthusiastically brought us the photos of our family that we had sent him in various letters. We spent a nice time together browsing through the photos that he had kept so carefully. Romane and Luna were impressed and very touched. Anak’s coordinator was with us to act as interpreter and helped us communicate. Next time, we plan to take Wayan to explore the Monkey Forest in Ubud, which he has never had the chance to visit. He dreams of becoming a chef and works hard at school to get there. The chance we had to visit his family enabled us to understand the meaning behind the actions carried out by Anak and our commitment. Romane has now decided to sponsor a student at the beginning of the July 2017 school year. Well done! We thank ANAK’s teams for their tremendous work and the ability to unite us all around this solidarity, which is so precious for these children.”